Home Health


What’s your Ayurveda Body Type?

  In Ayurveda, there are three doshas, or principles that all metabolic activities.  These are Kapha – anabolism, Vata – catabolism, and Pitta – metabolism. ...

Get Yourself A Yoga Brain

Have you ever wondered why some people even in their 80's and 90's are active, alert, cognizant of their surroundings, and have their memory...

What is Ekadashi Fasting?

We’ve heard about the health benefits of fasting as a way to cleanse and detox the body.  In yogic science, fasting is not just...

3 Tips for Healthy Living

What series are you watching now? Have you seen XYZ movie? Sound like a familiar conversation with friends and family? In times like these...

Ayurveda, Siddha, Chinese Medicine and Allopathy

In the west we refer to traditional medicine as what we know to be modern western medicine, and we refer to older practices as...

Buffet or Ala Carte: Add “Awareness” to the Menu

Sue was sitting attending a family wedding. Food, festivities and laughter set the tone for this occasion. Between the singing and dancing, people were...

Just the recipe you need to make 2020 taste perfect!

The aftertaste of sugar from all those holiday desserts still hasn’t left us. All those resolutions which sounded so possible last night are shaded...

Get Fit Resolution For The New Year

Of all our commitments the New Year resolutions that we make for ourselves are perhaps the hardest to follow through for the whole year. ...

Changing your Thinking

Does it sometimes feel like your mind is a little out of control… just chattering away with thoughts you didn’t ask for?  You might...

Can PCOS be Prevented?

For a lot of women the time of their monthly cycle is the most dreaded time of the month.  Those who have fewer menstrual...