49 Quotes About a Forbidden Love


You can’t always control where your heart takes you. These quotes about forbidden love reminds us of the dangers that exist in certain situations.

“Adultery is the application of democracy to love.”

“At places where protruding rocks blocked its flow, the river hissed, eddying in ripples and foams, and then wrested its way forward with renewed rigor.”

“Because that was the problem with society. It cared too much about who you fell in love with but never about why. The why matters.”

“Because what’s worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it.'”

“Do not share the knowledge with which you have been blessed with everyone in general, as you do with some people in particular; and know that there are some men in whom Allah, may He be glorified, has placed hidden secrets, which they are forbidden to reveal.”

“Even though we were never supposed to be together’I can’t be with anyone else, no matter the consequences.”

“Every generation has someone who steps outside the norm and offers a voice for the unspeakable attitudes of that time. I represent everything that’s supposed to be wrong, everything that’s forbidden.”

“Forbidden love provides happiness when there is no happiness.”

“Forbidden pleasures alone are loved immoderately; when lawful, they do not excite desire.”

“Having something forbidden is exciting, don’t you agree?”

“He can touch your soul. And there is a difference between having your heart break and having your soul shatter.”

“He was fast becoming the excitement of a tomorrow I never used to look forward to.”

“He was my addiction and once I got that taste of him I wouldn’t want to stop even if I was getting eaten alive with guilt for doing it”

“His blue eyes slice through me and make me wish I hadn’t come.”

“His hands are saying that he wants to hold her. His feet are saying that he wants to chase after her’ He’s probably forgotten that I’m here, beside him.”

“How can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them, you’re thinking about how much more you really want'”

“I couldn’t shake this feeling that I had uncovered more than something ordinary.”

“I found out that total creativity involves a certain intellectual rebellion – not to become a criminal, but somehow. to be totally creating, you have to do things that are a little bit forbidden. You have to feel free, and we know freedom is a hard thing to get.”

“I love him so very much, and he loves me. But we have to keep our love a secret from the world. I don’t know what to do, it’s breaking my heart.”

“I never thought that sex was wrong, sinful, dirty. When you take away the thought of things being dirty or forbidden, then you can really enjoy your sensuality.”

“I think things that I shouldn’t. I dream things that I shouldn’t. I want things that I shouldn’t and it’s all because of one thing; I do care about you.”

“I’m just like you. I enjoy the forbidden fruits in life, too.”

“It is forbidden to go east, but I have gone, forbidden to go on the great river, but I am there. Open your hearts, you spirits, and hear my song.”

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”

“It is not the most lovable individuals who stand more in need of love, but the most unlovable.”

“It was terrifying to love someone who was forbidden to you. Terrifying to feel something you could never speak of, something that was horrible to almost everyone you knew, something that could destroy your life.”

“Just carrying a ruler with you in your pocket should be forbidden, at least on a moral basis. The ruler is the symbol of the new illiteracy. The ruler is the symptom of the new disease, disintegration of our civilization.”

“Like the perfect collision of oils on a canvas. She was a walking piece of art. Words and all.”

“Love that we can not have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest…”

“My eyes are tempted by the smile of an angel, and your lips whisper secrets of forbidden love.”

“My heart tells me this is the best and greatest feeling I have ever had. ”

“Physical infidelity is the signal, the notice given, that all fidelities are undermined.”

“Rights are not a matter of numbers – and there can be no such thing, in law or in morality, as actions forbidden to an individual, but permitted to a mob.”

“She hated that she was still so desperate for a glimpse of him, but it had been this way for years.”

“She looked at me, and she saw something no one else did. Even I don’t know what.”

“Sinful and forbidden pleasures are like poisoned bread; they may satisfy appetite for the moment, but there is death in them at the end.”

“The glamour of being forbidden must not be underestimated.”

“The ladies of comedy now are comfortable dressing up. It’s not forbidden anymore.”

“The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned.”

“The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become.”

“The ultimate pleasure of architecture lies in the most forbidden parts of the architectural act, where limits are perverted and prohibitions are transgressed.”

“There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.”

“There is a kind of love, the excess of which forbids jealousy.”

“Things forbidden have a secret charm.”

“To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.”

“We always long for the forbidden things, and desire what is denied us.”

“When unrequited love is the most expensive thing on the menu, sometimes you settle for the daily special.”

“When we first broke into that forbidden box in the other dimension, we knew we had discovered something as surprising and powerful as the New World when Columbus came stumbling onto it.”

“You wondered how you’d make it through. I wondered what was wrong with you. Because how could you give your love to someone else, yet share your dreams with me? Sometimes the only thing you’re looking for, is the one thing you can’t see.”

Knowing how you want to be loved will ensure you meet someone that meets your expectation.

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