49 Quotes About Disconnecting


Feeling disconnected in life can create harm in your relationships, goals, and initiatives. Growth is dependent on making connections in your life and keeping a hold of them. Here is a look at some of the best quotes about disconnecting that are empowering.

“A culture disconnected from wild nature becomes insane.”

“A life filled with silly social drama and gossip indicates that a person is disconnected from purpose and lacking meaningful goals. People on a path of purpose don’t have time for drama.”

“A really sublime moment is that when the last ray of light breaks in upon the soul, and marshals into a single group all the scattered disconnected truths there.”

“Anger tells us we’ve disconnected from life. The purpose in anger is to use it to come back to life.”

“Being disconnected from the local church, for whatever reason, is a dangerous way to live.”

“Creating ideas that spread and connecting the disconnected are the two pillars of our new society, and both of them require the posture of the artist.”

“Even if I have hundreds of things to do, the disconnected feeling is still there because it is very hard to find a real purpose of life.”

“Fashion is a mirror of the era in which we live. Why should the magazine be disconnected from reality? It’s not like in the past.”

“Fiction writers have their own world, and poets have their own world, and literary criticism has sort of passed over into cultural studies in the university, and so on. They seem more disconnected from each other than they did when I first began to write.”

“Forgive the past. It is over. Learn from it and let go. People are constantly changing and growing. Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See that person now. Your relationship is always alive and changing.”

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.”

“He who is not content to look, like a savage, at the phenomena of nature as disconnected, cannot any longer believe that man is the work of a separate act of creation … Man is the co-descendant with other mammals of a common progenitor.”

“I fear getting things wrong and messing up, and this makes no rational sense. When I’m mindful and awake, I know mistakes are part of a creative process. But when I become disconnected, I can be incredibly mean and hard on myself.”

“I hope to always be able to relate to my fans and be in the moment with the world and the community. I think as you gain popularity it’s easy to loose touch and become disconnected.”

“I like the way Microsoft participates in other-than-mainstream activities, such as academic research, charities, scholarships and connecting the disconnected by providing technology support to underserved people.”

“I notice that when I feel the most disconnected, once I’m done blaming the moon and everything else, I can see that I am so mired in identification with form and ego and story and identity.”

“I think everybody wants to connect. There is nothing worse than feeling disconnected. And stories that really move people and make people care are the ones where they feel some sort of connection.”

“I think the biggest impediment to fixing the food system in the United States is that we expect food to be cheap. We want to by other things with our money. We’re so disconnected from agriculture – from the culture in agriculture.”

“I think when someone blindly projects and it’s showing up in the form of envy or hate – and I actually think they’re synonymous – that’s when I feel the most afraid and disconnected and vulnerable.”

“I was thinking how strange it is that water is one of the best, simplest things on this planet, and still with a simple glass of water you can neutralize so many of the greatest technological advances that we provide.”

“If people are portrayed as monsters, we become disconnected from them, and to me that is not remotely interesting.”

“If your own strong ego clashes with other strong egos, you not going to get anywhere.”

“It does not matter whether one is at the giving or receiving end of love just as long as one is part of the process in some way. It is only when we become disconnected from the process altogether that we should begin to worry.”

“It is only those who feel disconnected and seperated from the Oneness of All That Is that can ever commit evil deeds.”

“It’s a beautiful book [Into the Forest], so for those who are thinking about reading it, they absolutely should. First and foremost, I just devoured it, as a story.”

“Life has been reduced to temporal pursuits disconnected from all the other disciplines necessary for life to be meaningfully engaged.”

“Living in Hollywood, you can get disconnected from everybody. You can feel like you are the only one.”

“Man is lonely mainly because he has been disconnected from the Divine presence.”

“My new work deals with emptying my body: ‘Boat emptying, stream entering.’ This means that you have to empty the body/boat to the point where you can really be connected with the fields of energy around you.”

“People are good people. If they know what’s going on, and they can relate to it, they can be moved to do something. If they can never see it or never relate to it, they continue to stay disconnected.”

“So I do think sometimes the political mechanism is completely disconnected from the people.”

“Sometimes I felt lonely because I pushed people away for so long that I honestly didn’t have many close connections left. I was physically isolated and disconnected from the world. ”

“Sometimes in Washington you get a little disconnected. I want to make sure I know what people are actually doing each day.”

“That’s something that I’m trying to do in my work, to send a message to western people. They’re the ones who are completely disconnected.”

“The result of teaching small parts of a large number of subjects is the passive reception of disconnected ideas, not illumed with any spark of vitality.”

“Things aren’t getting better; they’re getting worse. The White House is completely disconnected from reality. It’s like they’re just making it up as they go along. The reality is that we’re losing in Iraq.”

“This is because fear and love are enemies. They come from two opposing kingdoms. Fear comes from the devil, who would like nothing more than to keep you permanently disconnected and isolated.”

“Those who are quick to feel disrespected often have a spiritual vacuum in their lives, because they feel disconnected to the love of their Father in Heaven.”

“To live and breathe with an exclusive focus on one’s small self, disconnected from the whole, is the definition of egotism.”

“To think that we are disconnected in some way serves the occupation whether it’s through indifference or a distancing. It is a colonial approach of making you a subject and them the spectators. That is disturbing and counterproductive.”

“We are animal. We are Earth. We are water. We are a community of human beings living on this planet together.”

“We live in a church culture that has a dangerous tendency to disconnect the grace of God from the glory of God. Our hearts resonate with the idea of enjoying God’s grace.”

“We must stop viewing ourselves as separate and disconnected from the rest of life, as if we are a special case and the laws of nature or karma do not apply to us.”

“What I feel now is connected to people. I feel connected and I feel a lot of love for people. I feel the possibility of what building social movements and what working together in struggle creates.”

“When I get on the World Cup tour, I’m kind of disconnected from the world. I just kind of get wrapped up in my world and wrapped up in trying to ski fast every day, and I forget about everything else.”

“When we lack etiquette, we trash things. We trash each other. We trash the environment. We lose sight of the value of things. We suffer alienation when our spirit is disconnected from our physical awareness.”

“Without evading the grimness of life in much of modern Africa, one can recognize that this continent is not yet sick as our continent is sick. Most Africans remain plugged into reality.”

“You limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.”

“Young people today are flooded with disconnected images but lack a sympathetic instrument to analyze them as well as a historical frame of reference in which to situate them.”

Finding a way to take a step back from the world of technology can be a good thing. This is one type of disconnecting that may help you realign your world and perspective around you.

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