47 Quotes About Presumption


There are many things in life we may not have all the facts too. You are left presuming many of these facts based on what information you do have together. Here are some quotes about presumption that help to capture the forwardness of assuming what the truth of the situation is.

“A man who insults the modesty of a woman, as good as tells her that he has seen something in her conduct that warranted his presumption.”

“A person unlearns arrogance when he knows he is always among worthy human beings; being alone fosters presumption.”

“A presumption of any fact is, properly, an inferring of that fact from other facts that are known; it is an act of reasoning; and much of human knowledge on all subjects is derived from this source.”

“Ability hits the mark where presumption overshoots and diffidence falls short.”

“But most it is presumption in us when the help of heaven we count the act of men.”

“Childish presumption which justifies the fact that child-nations, inheriting our follies, are now directing our history.”

“Despair ruins some, presumption many.”

“Do any of us, except in our dreams, truly expect to be reunited with our hearts’ deepest loves, even when they leave us only for minutes, and on the most mundane of errands?”

“Evolution has long been the target of illogical arguments that use presumption.”

“God does not suffer presumption in anyone but himself.”

“Government ought to be all outside and no inside. Everybody knows that corruption thrives in secret places, and avoids public places, and we believe it a fair presumption that secrecy means impropriety.”

“I believe I am entitled like any other person to have the presumption of innocence.”

“I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favorable presumption that they do no wrong.”

“I dared not trust the case on the presumption that the court knows everything. In fact, I argued it on the presumption that the court didn’t know anything.”

“I set out as a sort of self-dependent politician. My opinions were my own. I dashed at all prejudices. I scorned to follow anybodyin matter of opinion…. All were, therefore, offended at my presumption, as they deemed it.”

“I think I have the right to know what Steve Forbes paid in taxes – I don’t think there should be a law. I think there should be a presumption. I wouldn’t vote for a guy who wouldn’t reveal what he paid in taxes. That kind of thing.”

“If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows the Lord’s will, but does not mean to attend to it, you are not to pamper his presumptions, but it is your duty to assure him that he is not saved.”

“Ignorance is the mother of presumption.”

“In our wildest aberrations we dream of an equilibrium we have left behind and which we naively expect to find at the end of our errors.”

“It is a dangerous and fateful presumption, besides the absurd temerity that it implies, to disdain what we do not comprehend.”

“It is okay to be an outsider, a recent arrival, new on the scene – and not just okay, but something to be thankful for.”

“It must require an inordinate share of vanity and presumption, too, after enjoying so much that is good and beautiful on earth, to ask the Lord for immortality in addition to it all.”

“It’s a naive domestic Burgundy without any breeding, but I think you’ll be amused by its presumption.”

“Knowing what we must do is neither fundamental nor difficult, but to comprehend which presumptions and vain prejudices we must rid ourselves of in order to be able to educate our children is most difficult.”

“Nothing indeed can be a stronger presumption of falsehood than the approbation of the multitude.”

“Our first love-letter … There is so much to be said, and which no words seems exactly to say – the dread of saying too much is so nicely balanced by the fear of saying too little.”

“Our sun is one of a 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies populating the universe. It would be the height of presumption to think that we are the only living thing in that enormous immensity.”

“People are entitled to the presumption of innocence.”

“Photography is a contest between a photographer and the presumptions of approximate and habitual seeing. The contest can be held anywhere…”

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

“Presumption should never make us neglect that which appears easy to us, nor despair make us lose courage at the sight of difficulties.”

“Such is the uncertainty of human affairs, that security and despair are equal follies; and as it is presumption and arrogance to anticipate triumphs, it is weakness and cowardice to prog-nosticate miscarriages.”

“Suddenly the whole imagination of writing and editorial and newspaper and all these presumptions about who am I reading this, and who else other people may be, and all that, it’s so grimly brutal!”

“The demand to be loved is the greatest of all arrogant presumptions.”

“The only thing that might have annoyed some mathematicians was the presumption of assuming that maybe the axiom of choice could fail, and that we should look into contrary assumptions.”

“The perverse presumption that places the burden of proof on the challenger of spending must be inverted, back to the rule that applies elsewhere in life: ‘Prove to me why we should.”

“The plants look up to heaven, from whence they have their nourishment.”

“The world, we are told, was made especially for man – a presumption not supported by all the facts… Why should man value himself as more than a small part of the one great unit of creation?”

“There are events which are so great that if a writer has participated in them his obligation is to write truly rather than assume the presumption of altering them with invention.”

“There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point… The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it.”

“There’s a presumption that somehow you calculate beforehand whether something is going to be good politically or not. I simply don’t.”

“To lose what we have never owned might seem an eccentric bereavement, but Presumption has its own affliction as well as claim.”

“To say that an idea is necessary is simply to affirm that we cannot conceive the contrary; and the fact that we cannot conceive the contrary of any belief may be a presumption, but is certainly no proof, of its truth.”

“We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered.”

“Weakness, fear, melancholy, together with ignorance, are the true sources of superstition. Hope, pride, presumption, a warm indignation, together with ignorance, are the true sources of enthusiasm.”

“Worship without wonder is lifeless and boring. Many have lost their sense of awe and amazement when it comes to God.”

“Your primary presumption that The Bridge was proffered as an epic has no substantial foundation. You know quite well that I doubt that our present stage of cultural development is so ordered yet as to provide the means or method for such an organic manifestation as that.”

There are many fallacies to presumptions that are made.

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