45 Quotes About Irritation


Irritation leads to innovation and can be the root cause to many beautiful things in life. These quotes about irritation capture the feelings of discomfort and more than happen when our emotions and feelings take over.

“All inner resistance is experienced as negativity in one form or another. All negativity is resistance. In this context, the two words are almost synonymous.”

“Among all the emotions, the rich have the least talent for love. It is possible to love one’s dog, dress or duck-shooting hat, but a human being presents a more difficult problem.”

“As a human being, anger is a part of our mind. Irritation also part of our mind. But you can do – anger come, go. Never keep in your sort of – your inner world, then create a lot of suspicion, a lot of distrust, a lot of negative things, more worry.”

“By all means give vent to your anger, let it out in nondestructive ways–if you are still deciding to have it. But begin to think of yourself as someone who can learn to think new thoughts when you are frustrated, so that the immobilizing anger can be replaced by more fulfilling emotions.”

“Difficult things provoke all your irritations and bring your habitual patterns to the surface. And that becomes the moment of truth. You have the choice to launch into your lousy habitual patterns, or to stay with the rawness and discomfort of the situation and let it transform you.”

“Embracing conflict can be a joy when we know that irritation and frustration can lead to growth and the re-engergizing of ourselves and others. Hot heads and cold hearts never solved anything.”

“Every feeling is a field of energy. A pleasant feeling is an energy which can nourish. Irritation is a feeling which can destroy. Under the light of awareness, the energy of irritation can be transformed into and energy which nourishes.”

“Feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear, instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we’re holding back.”

“From their struggles to establish dominance over each other, siblings become tougher and more resilient. From their endless rough-housing with each other, they develop speed and agility.”

“Girls marry for love. Boys marry because of a chronic irritation that causes them to gravitate in the direction of objects with certain curvilinear properties.”

“Hating someone is feeling irritation by their mere existence.”

“I am sometimes sad when I hear the personal stories of Tibetan refugees who have been tortured or beaten. Some irritation, some anger comes. But it never lasts long. I always try to think at a deeper level, to find ways to console.”

“I come from a family where the only emotion respectable to show is irritation. In some this tendency produces hives, in others literature, in me both.”

“I have no doubt that the real irritation of those on the religious right is not that their particular creed is not embraced by the schools, but that often their creed is the only one singled out for contempt.”

“I know that disavowal is an unusual form of betrayal. From the outside it is impossible to tell if you are disowning someone or simply exercising discretion, being considerate, avoiding embarrassments and sources of irritation.”

“I spent the morning smashing flies I killed one fly against the door jamb. Another I stalked into the kitchen… A third fly wavered by the kitchen window.”

“I think intelligence is usually sexy until it becomes irritating. After that, you’re stuck.”

“If we pray only because we want answers, we will become irritated and angry with God. We receive an answer every time we pray, but it does not always come in the way we expect, and our spiritual irritation shows our refusal to identify ourselves truly with our Lord in prayer.”

“If you do not know how to take care of yourself, and the violence in you, then you will not be able to take care of others. You must have love and patience before you can truly listen to your partner or child.”

“If your reaction to your partner’s fear-or any other form of distress- is disdain or irritation, you do not want oneness or even friendship with your partner at that moment.”

“Irritation for some men was their response to strain.”

“Irritation. I’m too old to get angry. Anger, that’s an emotion for more serious things.”

“It is to the credit of human nature, that, except where its selfishness is brought into play, it loves more readily than it hates. Hatred, by a gradual and quiet process, will even be transformed to love, unless the change be impeded by a continually new irritation of the original feeling of hostility.”

“It struck me that the popularity of Christmas is a matter of web-like consciousness. Childhood conditions us to relax and expand at Christmas, to forget petty worries and irritations and think in terms of universal peace.”

“Misfortune, and recited misfortune especially, can be prolonged to the point where it ceases to excite pity and arouses only irritation.”

“One good thing that comes from living the nomadic life demanded by an expedition is that one sheds the fake skin donned from living too closely among society.”

“One scientist had discussions about love and compassion. Usually, he felt irritation. After our meeting, for some months, anger never come.”

“Quite often, ambition operates on a level of irritation. Not even jealousy, just irritation.”

“Rarely have I seen any really great advertising created without a certain amount of confusion, throw-aways, bent noses, irritation and downright cursedness.”

“The influence of fine scenery, the presence of mountains, appeases our irritations and elevates our friendships.”

“The most extraordinary thing about the oyster is this. Irritations set into his shell. He does not like them. But when he cannot get ride of them, he uses the irritation to do the loveliest thing an oyster ever has a chance to do.”

“The nectar of compassion is so wonderful. If you are committed to keeping it alive, then you are protected. What the other person says will not touch off the anger and irritation in you, because compassion is the real antidote to anger.”

“The one who cannot restrain their anger will wish undone, what their temper and irritation prompted them to do.”

“The whole body of the arts and sciences composes one vast machinery for the irritation and development of the human intellect.I think intelligence is usually sexy until it becomes irritating. After that, you’re stuck. I’ve found that worry and irritation vanish into thin air the moment I open my mind to the many blessings I possess.”

“There is always a secret irritation about a laugh in which we cannot join.”

“There is no cruelty greater than a woman’s to a man who loves her and whom she does not love; she has no kindness then, no tolerance even, she has only an insane irritation.”

“This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it’s with us wherever we go.”

“To raise children you must have love and a wholesome understanding, and that is why a parent should pray fervently for their own salvation, so that their own sin does not get in the way.”

“Today’s minor irritations may become tomorrow’s treasured memories. We often don’t know what we are missing, until it’s missing.”

“Too many creatures both insects and humans estimate their own value by the amount of minor irritation they are able to cause to greater personalities than themselves.”

“When a man’s eyes are sore his friends do not let him finger them, however much he wishes to, nor do they themselves touch the inflammation.”

“When parents see their children’s problems as opportunities to build the relationship instead of as negative, burdensome irritations, it totally changes the nature of parent-child interaction.”

“When you are insulted by someone or humiliated, guard against angry thoughts, lest they arouse a feeling of irritation, and so cut you off from love and place you in the realm of hatred.”

“Will it not be wise to allow the friendship between nations to rest upon deep and permanent things? Irritations of the cuticle must not be confounded with heart failure.”

“With awareness there comes choice. And so you are able to say:”I allow this moment to be as it is”. And then, suddenly, where before there was irritation, there is now a sense of aliveness and peace. And out of that comes right action.”

Letting irritation get the best of you can lead to negative results. Understanding your limits will help you maintain a level of control.

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