41 Quotes About Being Abused By Boyfriend


Overcoming a situation of abuse with a boyfriend can make it difficult to trust again in the future. These quotes about being abused by a boyfriend capture the challenges that exist in certain circumstances.

“Abuse if you slight it, will gradually die away; but if you show yourself irritated, you will be thought to have deserved it.”

“Abuse is the means in which violence retards love.”

“Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.”

“Anyone entrusted with power will abuse it if not also animated with the love of truth and virtue, no matter whether he be a prince, or one of the people.”

“Bullies may be the perpetrators of evil, but it is the evil of passivity of all those who know what is happening and never intervene that perpetuates such abuse.”

“Calculated risks of abuse are taken in order to preserve higher values.”

“Do you never look at yourself when you abuse another person?”

“Domestic abuse happens only in intimate, interdependent, long-term relationships – in other words, in families – the last place we would want or expect to find violence.”

“Every abuse ought to be reformed, unless the reform is more dangerous than the abuse itself.”

“Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, it’s the place where we find the deepest heartache.”

“Have the courage to walk away, those that value you will want you back, and those that do not won’t hold you back.”

“He had to get inside. It was essential that he know everything, the routes she took, her schedule, and the lay of the land.”

“I am done looking for love where it doesn’t exist. I am done coughing up dust in attempts to drink from dry wells.”

“I am often asked whether physical aggression by women toward men, such as a slap in the face, is abuse.”

“I heard the various terms of abuse at school and probably indulged them in the way you do as a kid.”

“I think anybody who has been abused as a kid – and I was abused as a kid, by various people – will say it’s irrational because violence is irrational.”

“I think that most minorities have experienced some form of racial abuse.”

“Invalidating someone else is not merely disagreeing with something that the other person said.”

“It is impossible to correct abuses unless we know that they’re going on.”

“It is not the the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.”

“Not all wounds are visible.”

“Objectification is a critical reason why an abuser tends to get worse over time. As his conscience adapts to one level of cruelty—or violence—he builds to the next.”

“Poisonous relationships can alter our perception. You can spend many years thinking you’re worthless… but you’re not worthless, you’re unappreciated.”

“Screaming at children over their grades, especially to the point of the child’s tears, is child abuse, pure and simple. It’s not funny and it’s not good parenting.”

“So many people suffer from abuse, and suffer alone.”

“Some of the world’s most appalling abuses have been justified by religion because it is possible for people to find vindication in their scriptures for any of their prejudices.”

“The abuse dies in a day, but the denial slays the life of the people, and entombs the hope of the race.”

“The abusive partner continually denies any responsibility for problems.”

“The biggest abuses in society happen when people are not able to communicate and not able to connect.”

“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.”

“The results of any traumatic experience, such as abuse, can only be resolved by experiencing, articulating, and judging every facet of the
original experience within a process of careful therapeutic disclosure.”

“The scars from mental cruelty can be as deep and long-lasting as wounds from punches or slaps but are often not as obvious.”

“The scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal.”

“The toxic behaviors were there before you decided to enter into relationships with them. The signs were there. You may have chosen to look the other way, but the signs were there.”

“The woman knows from living with the abusive man that there are no simple answers. ”

“There are far too many silent sufferers. Not because they don’t yearn to reach out, but because they’ve tried and found no one who cares.”

“There are more people abusive to others than lie open to abuse themselves; but the humor goes round, and he that laughs at me to-day will have somebody to laugh at him to-morrow.”

“We should meet abuse by forbearance. Human nature is so constituted that if we take absolutely no notice of anger or abuse, the person indulging in it will soon weary of it and stop.”

“Well, I went through some emotionally abusive relationships and allowed myself to not be properly respected as a lady, as a human being even, though I tried everything I knew to be a lady.”

“You can have a pet zebra and put that zebra into a small cage every day and tell the zebra that you love it, but no matter how you and the zebra love each other.”

“You survived the abuse. You’re going to survive the recovery.”

The digital age has given a new meaning and presented new challenges to existing relationships.

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