37 Quotes About Selfish People Hurting Others


The act of being selfish can be interpreted as a form of manipulation. These quotes about selfish people hurting others demonstrate the effects of similar behaviors on others.

“A man is called selfish not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his neighbor’s.”

“A selfish man is a thief.”

“All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life.”

“All my big mistakes are when I try to second-guess or please an audience. My work is always stronger when I get very selfish about it.”

“An institution or reform movement that is not selfish, must originate in the recognition of some evil that is adding to the sum of human suffering, or diminishing the sum of happiness.”

“Be incredibly, ruthlessly selfish with your equity.”

“Glory, built on selfish principles, is shame and guilt.”

“I am probably the most selfish man you will ever meet in your life. No one gets the satisfaction or the joy that I get out of seeing kids realize there is hope.”

“I believe in aliens. I think it would be way too selfish of us as mankind to believe we are the only lifeforms in the universe.”

“I recognize that I have the ability to be selfish, but I also recognize that you can’t be happy if you only care about yourself at the expense of other people.”

“I think if we want to find happiness by finding a life partner, then it’s a little selfish. You should be complete within yourself, so that when you’re in a relationship, you can give out happiness rather than expect it.”

“I think what’s most fun is playing someone who’s sort of selfish and in a lot of ways unlikeable, but there’s this really big heart underneath it that you get little glimpses of.”

“If believing in yourself and going after what you want in life and realising your worth is ruthless and selfish, then I’m definitely ruthless and selfish.”

“If my love is without sacrifice, it is selfish. Such a love is barter, for there is exchange of love and devotion in return for something. It is conditional love.”

“If you want to be a generous giver, you have to watch out for selfish takers.”

“It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes… we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions – especially selfish ones.”

“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.”

“It’s also selfish because it makes you feel good when you help others. I’ve been helped by acts of kindness from strangers. That’s why we’re here, after all, to help others.”

“It’s enough to indulge and to be selfish but true happiness is really when you start giving back.”

“It’s good to be selfish. But not so self-centered that you never listen to other people.”

“Let us try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are born selfish.”

“Moral evil is the immorality and pain and suffering and tragedy that come because we choose to be selfish, arrogant, uncaring, hateful and abusive.”

“My son’s the most precious thing to me; he’s changed me from being selfish to selfless.”

“People are so docile right now. It is almost as if good government means when the politicians lie to us for our own good, for the public good, and bad government is when politicians lie for their own selfish interests.”

“People are so selfish. Those you help are the ones who turn against you.”

“Selfish persons are incapable of loving others, but they are not capable of loving themselves either.”

“Socialism is the ideal state, but it can never be achieved while man is so selfish.”

“Some people are selfish in all of their relationships. Those people are called sociopaths.”

“Sometimes you have to be selfish to be selfless.”

“The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.”

“The world is not fair, and often fools, cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places.”

“The world is so competitive, aggressive, consumive, selfish and during the time we spend here we must be all but that.”

“To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don’t isolate.”

“What a cage is to the wild beast, law is to the selfish man.”

“When it comes to my racing career I’m very driven and very selfish. People who are around me at races will know that I’m a different person here than in my personal life. I completely blank people at races. I need to be focused. I’m rude.”

“Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.”

“With fools, there is no companionship. Rather than to live with men who are selfish, vain, quarrelsome, and obstinate, let a man walk alone.”

There are various ways to handle selfish people so you can meet a resolution to any disagreement.

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