37 Quotes About Being Disowned By Family


Being rejected is a horrific feeling to experience. These quotes about being disowned by family are just some examples to the type of heartache you may feel.

“And if you say that’s because you lot barged into her home like a herd of mentally deficient sheep, I’m disowning all three of you.”

“Before I was born my father disowned me. You know those ones who get the females pregnant, and then say the baby is not theirs? He rejected me, told my mother that I am not his child, so I never had a relationship with my father.”

“Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.”

“Family… Like branches on a tree our lives may grow in different directions but our roots will stay as one.”

“Hereafter she is only my sister in name; not because I disown her, but because she has disowned me.”

“I also realized that I was afraid I was not lovable. In my mind if my own parents could not love me, there had to be something wrong with me.”

“I don’t like and even resist, being broken wide-open. But, when the contents of my unconscious self spill out of me and i sift through all the disowned parts of who i am… it’s an uncomfortably enlightening and eye-opening experience.”

“I had lied to myself to protect my fantasy and keep them in my life. Now I could no longer do it.”

“I held out my book. It was precious to me, as were all the things I’d written; even where I despised their inadequacy there was not one I would disown. Each tore its way from my entrails. Each had shortened my life, killed me with its own special little death.”

“I missed you every minute this week and I don’t want to spend another day without you. If my mom disowns me for being with a vampire, then that’s her decision, but I’ve made mine, and I won’t apologize of back down from it.”

“I no longer believe that I have lost my family. I have only now finally recognized who they truly are.”

“In our unpacking process, we must own it before we can disown it!”

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love.”

“It broke my heart to know that my life had been based on an illusion. The picture I had created of my parents was shattered. They had never been there for me, and they never would be.”

“It was always hard to ready myself for those days. We would act out the roles of happy family, hoping in some way that was our truth. It wasn’t. I had no idea how tense I was at these interactions until I no longer had to do it.”

“It was an alarming thought that these false selves should still have me in their power, and in my bewilderment I began wondering whether any such thing as my real self could be said to exist at all.”

“My dad is a loving person. He would never disown me. At some point we will be together again. I love my father, and he loves me.”

“My family means the world to me. If you mess with them, it’s gonna be a bad day for you.”

“My parents were never who I thought them to be. I have had to let it all go. The fantasy of the perfect ending with them is over. I am setting out on a new horizon where I have redefined my world.”

“Not disown my past or upbringing, but I’d admired American actors, really American movie star – particularly the rebel heroes of the ’50s.”

“One of my fears was that by breaking contact with my parents, I was setting an example that my sons could repeat with me. I’d like to think this won’t happen because of my parents.”

“One of the problems was my belief that family were always there for each other. That was the cause of my pain and my guilt. The fact that I no longer had them in my life meant that I was going against a code I held close to my heart.”

“Our lives were filled with so much fear, pain, hurt, betrayal, and lies. Manipulation and deceit were at the core of our home.”

“Over time I began to understand why I had fought so hard to live out the lie, and I began to forgive myself for not being brave enough to stand up earlier.”

“Part of the hurt was that I now had no tradition, so I decided to start a new one. Christmas is no longer a day of obligation. I now spend it with the people who are my true family.”

“People exiled in the past and disowning the present may build the wealth but not the future.”

“People love the idea of a good girl gone bad, thinking that my parents were so strict and disowned me, but that actually wasn’t the case. Even though they don’t necessarily agree with some of the things I do, they love me as their daughter. That’s always been their perspective.”

“Sometimes a truth is so precious that it cannot be disowned.”

“Sticklers never read a book without a pencil at hand, to correct the typographical errors. In short, we are unattractive know-all obsessives who get things out of proportion and are in continual peril of being disowned by our exasperated families.”

“There is no such thing as the perfect family. Every family is unique with its own combination of strengths and weaknesses.”

“This is an inevitable and easily recognizable stage in every revolutionary movement: reformers must expect to be disowned by those who are only too happy to enjoy what has been won for them.”

“Those beliefs were based on love, and I cherished them.”

“When someone disowns an idea or even a person, they give up faith in or love for something or someone they used to call their own.”

“When you are from a well-respected family, often times you will have pressure to”live up to your family name.” That is to say, depending on your family’s reputation, you will have to live in accordance with that reputation so that other people keep thinking of your family in the way it is used to being thought of.”

“Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to.”

“You cannot disown what is yours. Flung out, there is always the return, the reckoning, the revenge, perhaps the reconciliation. There is always the return. And the wound will take you there.”

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

There is never a right way to deal with rejection.

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