35 Quotes About Being Screwed Over


Sometimes we do not meet the standards we expect to meet or lose out on a gain we should have received. These quotes about being screwed over highlight those instances when we lose in life.

“A sensitive person receives fifty impressions where somebody else may only get seven.”

“As things are, and as fundamentally they must always be, poetry is not a career, but a mug’s game. No honest poet can ever feel quite sure of the permanent value of what he has written: He may have wasted his time and messed up his life for nothing.”

“Back on shore everyone was pretty messed up, but the owner/captain was by far the worst off.”

“Everything that we put into our bodies should also be of nature, a part of that cycle of nature. Once you start messing with that – as I said, everything is connected. Once you start messing with psychological well-being, we get more and more messed up.”

“I am not writing to try and convert people to fundamental Christianity. I am just trying to share my experience, strength and hope, that someone who is as messed up and neurotic and scarred and scared can be fully accepted by our dear Lord, no questions asked.”

“I can’t sleep with you tonight, baby, my head’s all messed up, you’ve no idea. It’s somewhere else and it’s full of voices and songs and bad things…”

“I don’t believe in hitting a bad shot and then insisting it’s no big deal. No, you just messed up, so react. I’m not saying you need to throw your club. I mean, take 10 seconds to get angry at yourself, but then start over.”

“I don’t get high, but sometimes I wish I did. That way, when I messed up in life I would have an excuse. But right now there’s no rehab for stupidity.”

“I never wanted to go on stage alone because if you mess up, who can you blame?”

“I think I like playing the bad girl. I like complicated. I like flawed, messed up complicated. It’s more interesting.”

“I was angry but not at God. I feel that you are closer to God when you are messed up. Definitely. That’s when you most need God, and God cannot control what man does.”

“I’m all about showing people that I’m a little messed up, I have a lot of the same problems you have. By exposing myself and putting myself out there, people can relate to me and my act won’t grow stale.”

“I’m done being sad over you. I have enough stress without you adding to it and I wont let you be the reason for my tears.”

“In 1985, I was living with my sister in Virginia, and since I was still in high school, I worked at McDonald’s to save money to get an abortion. It sounds really terrible, but it was the best decision I ever made.”

“It’s very difficult to photograph an opera. And they messed up on it. It just wasn’t there. And I don’t blame the Gershwins for taking it away. Of course, if they had gotten the original company to have done it, it would have been very good.”

“Just watching a girl can give me the best reason to smile. Girls are something very special and you got to treat them that way. That’s why I always say don’t stare right at a chick.”

“Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.”

“Maybe it’s a little depressing to think that my vision of a perfect world is actually so messed up, but I think it means that I don’t really understand what ‘perfect’ is.”

“My mother never gave up one me. I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother sent me right back.”

“Once digital came, I could see my images instantly right there on the camera. I think that makes you a better photographer because you can see right there if your subject’s eyes are closed or if you exposed it wrong and if it’s too bright or dark.”

“Once you start messing with psychological well-being, we get more and more messed up.”

“One of the sanest, surest, and most generous joys of life comes from being happy over the good fortune of others.”

“Our music is honest. We are who we are… messed up, dysfunctional sinners that have been loved in spite of our hate.”

“Pretty people aren’t as accepted as other people. It’s like, ‘She’s pretty and thin and she’s got to have problems. She’s messed up.'”

“Really, every woman is an example to me, because as women we go through so much pain. We have to live this perfect life when we are messed up inside. We all go through trials and tribulations.”

“Seeing people get messed up never gets un-funny! And there’s plenty of ways to do that.”

“Some people left you for dead. They thought it was over. They said you’re hopeless, you’re helpless. You can’t be used. You’re not ministry material. You’re going to be poor.”

“Sometimes you know you’ve got a chance with a girl because she wants to fight with you. If the world wasn’t so messed up, it wouldn’t be like that. If the world was normal, a girl being nice to you would be a good sign, but in the real world, it isn’t.”

“That I learned even as a three year-old that I see this world that is really a mess and I learned to say, this is not me. I am not the one that is messed up. It is out there.”

“There are so many things to talk about between black people, Hispanic people, white people, gay people, men, women, it’s all based on fear. We all have fears, this thing that stops us from embracing as we are one.”

“There is a point in every young person’s life when you realize that the youth that you’ve progressed through and graduate to some sort of adulthood is equally as messed up as where you’re going.”

“We need to lower tax rates for everybody, starting with the top corporate tax rate.”

“Which is more messed up- that we have so much compared to everyone else, or that we don’t think we’re rich?”

“You can get totally messed up trying to please everyone with what you do, but ultimately, you have to please yourself.”

“You’re not insulting my character. Being a woman, especially in this business, it’s so thrilling to get to do that. It’s so rare, especially right now the way the film industry is.”

The next generation have yet to experience the moments of life that you will later go on to regret.

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