35 Quotes About Praying for Others


Helping another is one of the best things you can do. From just listening to praying for their good fortune, seeing how things can change for the better is an amazing thing to see. These quotes about praying for others will give you the encouragement you need.

“A person without prayer is like a tree without roots.”

“Although God’s grace, favor, and honor are freely given, you can pray to receive these benefits in your life.”

“Daily prayers to God should never be seen as a task. It should be a necessity in our life just as air is a necessity for us in order to breathe and live.”

“Giving is not just in money either. We can give unconditional love; we can give mercy, our prayers, our talents and services.”

“God can handle your doubt, anger, fear, grief, confusion, and questions. You can bring everything to him in prayer.”

“God does not listen to the prayers of the proud.”

“Households that have lost loved ones, or suffered health or financial difficulties, might avoid mentioning such in Thanksgiving grace. But if prayer is going to be authentic, such things need to be mentioned.”

“I also would like to encourage you to pray over and pray with your children daily, no matter how young they are. The prayers you pray stick with them all throughout their life.”

“I pray that you will see the value of praying from scripture and will begin to create your own scriptural prayers.”

“I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.”

“Ideally, every prayer of intercession we utter should be for the Lord’s will to be done, nothing more, and nothing less. Only His perfect will.”

“It’s easy to kneel in church and hang your head, praying for God to forgive you, but you also must face what you’ve done and deal with it in a direct and forthright manner.”

“Let your decisions be comfortable and aligned with God. When there are still doubts, pray more until you find peace with the matter.”

“Life has a way of presenting problems, difficulties and challenges that far supercede our own abilities but with the help of God through prayer, these issues can be put behind us.”

“Meditation and prayer are one of the most efficient tools we can use to inspire our world.”

“Our prayers are strengthened when we know God is listening and that He is faithful.”

“Pray as though no work would help, and work as though no prayer would help.”

“Prayer is also an act of obedience. We are exhorted to pray for others and to pray without ceasing.”

“Prayer is essential to your relationship with Jesus. Talk to Him through prayer.”

“Prayer is one of the greatest assets that a Christian could possess, but sometimes it seems to be a real challenge to make it a full part of our devotional life.”

“Prayer is powerful, and paves the way for the both of you to come together in God’s perfect timing.”

“Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening to God.”

“Prayer is the time exposure of the soul to the highest that we know and he who practices it will learn its central, primary and transforming importance.”

“Regardless of where you are or what country you are in, God knows your prayers.”

“Regardless of your current life circumstances, spend some time in prayer right now thanking God for who He is and what He has done for you.”

“Remember, our prayers do not need to be long. Sometimes only a word or two will suffice.”

“Since God knows our future, our personalities, and our capacity to listen, He isn’t every going to say more to us than we can deal with at the moment.”

“The ideal for Christians is to pray without ceasing. We should study and meditate in God’s Word. We should remain in a constant state of fellowship with the Heavenly Father.”

“We never know how God will answer our prayers, but we can expect that He will get us involved in His plan for the answer. If we are true intercessors, we must be ready to take part in God’s work on behalf of the people for whom we pray.”

“We pray the love of God enfolds you during your difficult times and He helps you heal with the passage of time.”

“We use prayer when we need something, but praying is also for giving thanks for all your blessings.”

“When I don’t really know what to pray or how to pray, I take God’s words and make them my prayers.”

“When I’m experiencing a fresh start in my own life, when I’m sorting through the options of what’s needed to reach my desired destination, my first step is always this: pray.”

“When we pray, we relax, reflect, and renew our commitments to God. The peace that comes from consulting with God and receiving His divine wisdom is a powerful hug.”

“Yet prayer alone will not avail. Faith and works must always be associated.”

Prayer gives you the one ability to receive and give positive energy.

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