35 Quotes About Avoiding Drama


Sometimes you just have that one person in your life that always seems to have something going on. It can become difficult at times to separate yourself from their life and conflict. Here are some great quotes about avoiding drama that will get you thinking twice about getting too involved in a situation that will inadvertently hurt you.

“A good drama critic is one who perceives what is happening in thetheatre of his time. A great drama critic also perceives what is not happening.”

“All the world’s a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.”

“Conflict is drama, and how people deal with conflict shows you the kind of people they are.”

“Don’t waste time on what’s not important. Don’t get sucked into the drama. Get on with it: don’t dwell on the past. Be a big person; be generous of spirit; be the person you’d admire.”

“Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”

“Drama can be an addiction. It’s so, so sneaky. Jealousy – all of those things can really send you in a lot of different crazy directions.”

“Drama is hard for me. Crying is much harder for me than laughter.”

“Drama is very important in life: You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper. Everything can have drama if it’s done right. Even a pancake.”

“Drama lives on conflict. If you’re trying to deal with social issues seriously, there’s no way of avoiding violence, which is so present in society.”

“Drama’s not safe and it’s not pretty and it’s not kind. People expect the basic template of television drama where there might be naughty villains, but everyone ends up having a nice cup of tea.”

“Every third person in the world is a drama queen. And crying ‘victim,’ especially when you’re not really a victim in any real way, feels good. It feels good to cry victim if you’re not one.”

“I guess you can tease me about being a drama queen, because that did heighten the drama.”

“I love walking down the street and seeing faces and drama and happiness and sadness and dirt and cleanliness.”

“I need drama in my life to keep making music.”

“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.”

“I treat myself pretty good. I take lots of vacations, I eat well, I take supplements, I do mercury detox, I get plenty of sleep, I drink plenty of water and I stay away from drama and stress.”

“Identity is part of drama to me. Who am I, why am I behaving this way, and am I aware of it?”

“If there’s not drama and negativity in my life, all my songs will be really wack and boring or something.”

“I’m naturally a nice person. I’m not trying to have any problems with people. I’m done with the drama and trouble. I want a stress-free life.”

“My life is full of drama, and I don’t have time to worry about something as petty as what I look like.”

“My parents would always tell you that I was the crazy princess growing up. I was a drama queen.”

“Never let somebody’s drama determine the outcome of your day.”

“No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.”

“One of the greatest things drama can do, at it’s best, is to redefine the words we use every day such as love, home, family, loyalty and envy. Tragedy need not be a downer.”

“People don’t want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left?”

“People love scandal; people love drama. They love stripping away the layers to see what’s really in there, and they’ll do anything – as well as make it up – to get it.”

“Real life is messy, and drama is a shaped version of real life.”

“So many people prefer to live in drama because it’s comfortable. It’s like someone staying in a bad marriage or relationship – it’s actually easier to stay because they know what to expect every day, versus leaving and not knowing what to expect.”

“The drama of life begins with a wail and ends with a sigh.”

“The human mind is a dramatic structure in itself and our society is absolutely saturated with drama.”

“The less seen, the more heard. The eye is the enemy of the ear in real drama.”

“What allows us, as human beings, to psychologically survive life on earth, with all of its pain, drama, and challenges, is a sense of purpose and meaning.”

“What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out.”

“When faced with senseless drama, spiteful criticisms and misguided opinions, walking away is the best way to stand up for yourself. To respond with anger is an endorsement of their attitude.”

“When looking out the window and watching the water becomes a drama, then literally everything is a drama.”

Dealing with girl drama can be draining. Learning how to properly deal with these type of situations will keep you focused.

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