34 Quotes About Deadbeat Fathers


It is very important for children to have a father figure and role model in their life. Having an absent father in one’s life can cause a lot of emotional damage and distrust in others. Here are some great quotes about deadbeat fathers that are encouraging to be familiar with.

“Cleaning the house for my mom when she’s at work because all my step dad does is play video games and won’t lift a finger.”

“Did you know that nearly one in three children live apart from their biological dads? Those kids are two to three times more likely to grow up in poverty, to suffer in school, and to have health and behavioral problems.”

“For Christian faith not to be idle in the world, the work of doctors and garbage collectors, business executives and artists, stay-at-home moms or dads and scientists needs to be inserted into God’s story with the world.”

“Great pressure is put on kids who don’t have dads to get out and make money, and make life easier for everybody. It was always, ‘Hurry up, grow up, make money, there’s no man to do it for us.'”

“I believe the biggest challenge is just getting the courage to try something different or new. Try to forget the stereotype in your mind. Yoga is for everyone – children, athletes, moms, dads, accountants, truck drivers, even country stars.”

“I did have two dads; one was a socialist, and one was a capitalist. I really decided I would rather be a capitalist.”

“I don’t have problems starting writing. I have problems stopping. I’m one of the last dads to arrive at school to collect the kids, because I want to get this paragraph just right.”

“I have always wanted my children’s dads to be involved in their lives. Not just the day-to-day aspect, but the emotional shifts that they go through, when little things pop up – they need to be included, absolutely, and for the children to feel that they are.”

“I know this is a weird niche, but a lot of my female friends have these strange stories where there their dads have seen the small successes of their daughters and have decided that they are creative as well.”

“I never saw my dad cry. My son saw me cry. My dad never told me he loved me, and consequently I told Scott I loved him every other minute. The point is, I’ll make less mistakes than my dad, my sons hopefully will make less mistakes than me, and their sons will make less mistakes than their dads.”

“I personally always find something really scary about watching little girls learning to manipulate their dads by baby talking. Then they grow up and use the same technique on their boyfriends or husbands. That scares me because it’s just so sick on so many levels.”

“I think dads let babies take more of a risk, maybe bounce off a bed more or jump off a couch or do more risk-taking things.”

“I think once I fail enough as a dad, I’ll be looking for help wherever I can get it. I just need enough time to screw things up and then I’ll start looking to TV dads for advice.”

“I told my parents I wanted to be an actress years before I wrapped my head around what my dad did for a living. It’s not easy to explain the job of the television journalist, especially when a lot of my friends’ dads had jobs that were a lot easier to explain, like a lawyer, a banker or a doctor.”

“I try to do everything from the viewpoint of what’s best for my kids. I have three kids and two great dads and it’s not always easy, but you have to try to be a little selfless and we manage just fine. Kimora Lee Simmons”

“I used to go to my kids’ soccer games and I was the only parent who wasn’t screaming, because I’d have to do a show that night. It was hard. Moms and dads get more emotional at those soccer and Little League games than at a professional game.”

“It’s important for moms, but also dads, to recognize that they’re role models when it comes to their kids’ physical health, when it comes to working out, and when it comes to nutrition.”

“I’ve seen women who don’t have great relationships with their dads, and it all comes down to this: You have to tell girls you love them every day.”

“Like many dads I know, I’ve long been motivated in all aspects of my life by my love for my children – and my desire to make the world better a better place for them, my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren.”

“Mums ask me how to get their husbands off the couch as well as asking me to marry them. But kids ask me to get their mums and dads to play with them more as well.”

“My father was a food lover and a deadbeat dad, and maybe a connection between good food and bad dads was forged early, in the deepest folds of my subconscious, where we make so many decisions about our parents.”

“My youngest son’s pre-school class was recently asked what their dads do for work. The responses were things like, my dad sells money, and my dad figures stuff out. My son said, ‘I’ve never seen my dad do work.’ It’s true. Skateboarding doesn’t seem like real work, but I’m proud of what I do.”

“One of the greatest challenges in collecting child support is that deadbeat dads move from job to job and state to state. it’s hard to keep track of them.”

“One thing I’ve been happy as peach pie about – because I’m all about the children and the happiness of a woman because that makes the happiness of the home – is that nannies, day cares and babysitters are all collapsing, which is forcing moms and dads to raise their children at home.”

“People get that dads have a place in the lives of their sons. But you have to be just as present with daughters, maybe even more so. You have to get in there and be part of the game.”

“The thing about dads is, even when they’re very good, they don’t do anything like as much as most mums do.”

“There are ways we can go do a better job of educating young moms and dads about the vital role they have as the child’s first teacher. I think there are ways in which we can partner with local school districts and states to do a better job to provide nutrition options at school.”

“Two dads have sent me letters that said my books changed their daughters’ lives. I send them packages with T-shirts and posters because, come on… that’s the coolest.”

“We know taking care of an infant isn’t just women’s work – so why should maternity leave be the norm when paternity leave is the exception? There’s no question that taking care of and bonding with a new baby is just as important and meaningful for dads as it is for moms.”

“When I’m home, I’ve got the kind of time that other dads who live there full time don’t have. I can go and have lunch with my kids at school and that sort of thing.”

“When moms and dads put their kids in acting class, good luck. Because you’re just filling them with stuff they don’t need yet.”

“When you have kids, you instantly feel that you do not want to do them wrong. Those dads that go off to Florida and start a new life, I couldn’t imagine that: seeing my kid once every Christmas, every three years. If I’m gone for six days it feels like too much.”

“With so many forty- and fifty something mums and dads in Converse stalking the streets, I can see why there’s a slew of books about the menopause and middle age, the most recent addition being David Bainbridge’s plucky, glass-half-full meditation or, as he calls it, ‘natural history.'”

“Women work as much as men now, if not more. There’s a resurgence of dads in the home and moms working.”

Having to be confronted by your children as a deadbeat dad can leave a powerful impression on the individual.

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