33 Quotes About Revisiting The Past


Taking some time to look back at where you came from and how far you have come will bring you some pride and hope for the future. These quotes about revisiting the past will remind you of the many lessons you learn throughout your lifetime.

“A deceitful man will go as far as to trample all over a woman’s reputation and spirit, in order to prove to his ex-love that he was faithful. The irony, is he is still in love with his ex and the new woman in his life doesn’t even realize it.”

“A man cannot free himself from the past more easily than he can from his own body.”

“Accomplishments don’t erase shame, hatred, cruelty, silence, ignorance, discrimination, low self-esteem or immorality. It covers it up, with a creative version of pride and ego.”

“Best not to mix the past with the present. The present paints the past with gold. The past paints the present with lead.”

“But there’s a beginning in an end, you know? It’s true that you can’t reclaim what you had, but you can lock it up behind you. Start fresh.”

“Few and far between are the books you’ll cherish, returning to them time and again, to revisit old friends, relive old happiness, and recapture the magic of that first read.”

“I find in old age that it’s possible to revisit the past, the one requirement being that you come as you are.”

“If you cannot hold me in your arms, then hold my memory in high regard. And if I cannot be in your life, then at least let me live in your heart.”

“If you never tell anyone the truth about yourself, eventually you start to forget. The love, the heartbreak, the joy, the despair, the things I did that were good, the things I did that were shameful–if I kept them all inside, my memories of them would start to disappear. And then I would disappear.”

“Imagine if the pension funds and endowments that own much of the equity in our financial services companies demanded that those companies revisit the way mortgages were marketed to those without adequate skills to understand the products they were being sold. Management would have to change the way things were done.”

“It baffles me that people think that obliterating the past will save them from its consequences, as if throwing away the empty cake plate would help you lose weight.”

“Live out of your imagination, not your history.”

“Look not at the days gone by with a forlorn heart. They were simply the dots we can now connect with our present, to help us draw the outline of a beautiful tomorrow.”

“Looking at the past is like lolling in a rocking chair. It is so relaxing and you can rock back and forth on the porch, and never go forward.”

“No matter what they wish for, no matter how far they go, people can never be anything but themselves. That’s all.”

“One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.”

“Praises for our past triumphs are as feathers to a dead bird.”

“Rehashing the past wouldn’t change anything. Time to move forward.”

“That’s the past for you. Not only does it come back at the most unexpected, and inconvenient, times but it’s set in stone.”

“The astronomer will believe that the most erratic comet will yet accomplish its journey and revisit our sphere; but we give up those for lost who have not wandered one-half the distance from the centre of light and life.”

“The divine gift is ever the instant life, which receives and uses and creates, and can well bury the old in the omnipotency with which Nature decomposes all her harvest for recomposition.”

“The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.”

“The past is for learning from and letting go. You can’t revisit it. It vanishes.”

“The past is not a package one can lay away.”

“The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.”

“The past is strapped to our backs. We do not have to see it; we can always feel it.”

“The past is the long tail of time, which often coils about our memories and strangles hope.”

“Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.”

“When we think of the past it’s the beautiful things we pick out. We want to believe it was all like that.”

“When you’re young, you think everything you do is disposable. You move from now to now, crumpling time up in your hands, tossing it away.”

“Yesterday’s weaving is as irrevocable as yesterday. I may not draw out the threads, but I may change my shuttle.”

“You can accept or reject the way you are treated by other people, but until you heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed.”

“Your memory feels like home to me. So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.”

Looking towards your future also requires you to look to your past.

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