33 Quotes About Being a People Pleaser


Being a people pleaser doesn’t necessary get you everything that you want in life. These quotes about being a people pleaser highlight the rejection and disapproval you may suffer when you decide to change course.

“An engaged woman is always more agreeable than a disengaged. She is satisfied with herself. Her cares are over, and she feels that she may exert all her powers of pleasing without suspicion. All is safe with a lady engaged; no harm can be done.”

“Any writer overwhelmingly honest about pleasing himself is almost sure to please others.”

“Be wary of the praise of men; don’t let it pump you up unnecessarily and don’t let it paralyze your progress.”

“Beauty is produced by the pleasing appearance and good taste of the whole, and by the dimensions of all the parts being duly proportioned to each other.”

“Because children take everything personally, they believe that if they are being mistreated, it’s because they haven’t been “good enough.” ”

“Children who feel unloved and unprotected are like a half-filled cup. They become incapable of ‘filling up’ because they have come to believe they are unworthy of love.”

“Do not give back to his master a servant who has gone in flight from his master and come to you: let him go on living among you in whatever place is most pleasing to him.”

“Ever since people first existed, they have been doing all the things we label “codependent.” They have worried themselves sick about other people.”

“I finally know the difference between pleasing and loving, obeying and respecting. It has taken me so many years to be okay with being different, and with being this alive, this intense. ”

“I had never before considered that people near me might have problems that were not caused by me. I had been created to please people.”

“I shall endeavour still further to prosecute this inquiry, an inquiry I trust not merely speculative, but of sufficient moment to inspire the pleasing hope of its becoming essentially beneficial to mankind.”

“If I were surrounded by people who always approved of me, I wouldn’t need such a deep relationship with my own sense of right and wrong. ”

“If they were there for you when you had nothing, they are the ones worth having now. If they only notice you because of what you have gained, are they worth having at all?”

“If you find yourself craving approval, you are low on self-love. Stop grasping for a few scraps wherever you can. Go home and make yourself a feast. Love yourself deeply today.”

“I’m not interested in meeting people’s expectations, and I’m not interested in pleasing people.”

“In a state of grace, the soul is like a well of limpid water, from which flow only streams of clearest crystal. Its works are pleasing both to God and man, rising from the River of Life, beside which it is rooted like a tree.”

“In assisting his ‘neighbour’ every day to the best of his ability, and keeping truth, honesty, and kindness perpetually before him, the Boy Scout, with as little formality as possible, is pleasing God.”

“It is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?”

“It may easily come to pass that a vain man may become proud and imagine himself pleasing to all when he is in reality a universal nuisance.”

“Part of life is to live it, and enjoy it, and seize the moments that you find particularly pleasing.”

“People pleasing does make it easier to ignore the red flags of abusive relationships at the very early stages especially with covert manipulators. ”

“People pleasing doesn’t allow you to receive.”

“People pleasing pleases everyone but the pleaser.”

“See no good, hear no good, speak no good; and the people will eventually find you good!”

“The art of pleasing is the art of deception.”

“The biggest mistake we commit in life is to think that others will get affected by our action and we shall leave some effect on them.”

“The happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general effect of pleasing impression.”

“The increased desire to please God and seek HIS approval will decrease the desire to seek approval from man.”

“The sky is the part of creation in which nature has done for the sake of pleasing man.”

“Those who have virtue always in their mouths, and neglect it in practice, are like a harp, which emits a sound pleasing to others, while itself is insensible of the music.”

“We may call it “people pleasing,” but it is entirely self-serving because it is really all about keeping myself comfortable. Boiled down, it could be more accurately called “me pleasing.”

“We require from buildings two kinds of goodness: first, the doing their practical duty well: then that they be graceful and pleasing in doing it.”

“When a coil is operated with currents of very high frequency, beautiful brush effects may be produced, even if the coil be of comparatively small dimensions. The experimenter may vary them in many ways, and, if it were nothing else, they afford a pleasing sight.”

Trying to stop people pleasing means you need to start putting yourself first.

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