33 Quotes About Infatuation


Dealing with infatuation can leave you feeling lost in your own romantic feelings. These quotes about infatuation will encourage you to deal with your feelings head on.

“Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion, because it’s on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you’ve got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration.”

“A lot of the time when people get married in the infatuation, it will go down. That is inevitable. The infatuation stage will not last forever.”

“After a semester or so, my infatuation with computers burnt out as quickly as it had begun.”

“All sorts of yayness floods my brain. Love is such a drug.”

“And when you love someone you don’t always see them realistically.”

“Attachment and aversion are the root cause of karma, and karma originates from infatuation. Karma is the root cause of birth and death, and these are said to be the source of misery. None can escape the effect of their own past karma.”

“Don’t divide the world into ‘them’ and ‘us.’ Avoid infatuation with or resentment of the press, the Congress, rivals, or opponents. Accept them as facts. They have their jobs and you have yours.”

“Every time he looked at me I felt like I’d touched my tongue to the tip of a battery. In art class I’d watch him lean back and listen and I was nothing but zing and tingle.”

“For lack of a better word, I’ve let love and infatuation emasculate me.”

“Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow,”

“He who is infatuated with ‘Man’ leaves persons out of account so far as that infatuation extends, and floats in an ideal, sacred interest. Man, you see, is not a person, but an ideal, a spook.”

“I crush her against me. I want to be part of her. Not just inside her but all around her. I want our rib cages to crack open and our hearts to migrate and merge.”

“I don’t think love should make you feel uneasy. When you feel sick, I don’t think that’s love – that’s infatuation.”

“I had to touch you with my hands, I had to taste you with my tongue; one can’t love and do nothing.”

“I just love cars; I’ve been like that since I was a kid. It’s an infatuation because we grew up poor. Cars was something we were always trying to get.”

“I think it is all a matter of love; the more you love a memory the stronger and stranger it becomes.”

“I want to know how to make this girl laugh. I want to know what makes her cry. I want to know what it feels like to have her look at me as if I’m her knight in shinning armor.”

“I was infatuated with you: I am still. No one has ever heightened such a keen capacity of physical sensation in me. I cut you out because I couldn’t stand being a passing fancy.”

“I was super brainy and a proper geek at school, but there would always be a boy. But that sort of obsession did turn me into a songwriter. My writing has always come from that feeling of infatuation.”

“I would love to be a voice in this maelstrom of chaos and obsessive celebrity infatuation that says, ‘Let’s talk about something that matters’.”

“If you stay, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll quit the band, go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I’ll do that, too.”

“I’m in love with lots of different things. I do love love, though. I don’t think love should make you feel uneasy. When you feel sick, I don’t think that’s love – that’s infatuation. Someone who makes you feel like that is exciting – it’s the one that you imagine when you think of an amazing affair – but that’s not actually a stable love.”

“Infatuation is not quite the same thing as love; it’s more like love’s shady second cousin who’s always borrowing money and can’t hold down a job.”

“My father never liked me or my sister, and he never liked our mother either, after an initial infatuation, and in fact, he never liked anyone at all after an hour or two, no, no one except a stooge.”

“Purity engenders Wisdom, Passion avarice, and Ignorance folly, infatuation and darkness.”

“That I shall say good night till it be morrow.”

“The world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive.”

“There’s a big difference between falling in love and being in love. There’s a big difference between infatuation and falling in love.”

“Violence isn’t always evil. What’s evil is the infatuation with violence.”

“What she had realized was that love was that moment when your heart was about to burst.”

“When you develop an infatuation for someone you always find a reason to believe that this is exactly the person for you. It doesn’t need to be a good reason.”

“When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love.”

“Young men of this class never do anything for themselves that they can get other people to do for them, and it is the infatuation, the devotion, the superstition of others that keeps them going. These others in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred are women.”

There are many ways to dealing with infatuation especially when you are left to sit in the friend zone.

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