33 Quotes About Being Accused of Stealing


The action of cheating and stealing is greatly sneered upon by society. These quotes about being accused of stealing are just some of the examples to the type of behavior that will result in your imprisonment.

“A trial without witnesses, when it involves a criminal accusation, a criminal matter, is not a true trial.”

“Accusations fit on a bumper sticker; the truth takes longer.”

“Art is accusation, expression, passion. Art is a fight to the finish between black charcoal and white paper.”

“But there are some things, child, that you should steal. That you must steal, if you have enough love and courage in your heart.”

“Democratic politicians, liberal activists and liberal news outlets routinely deploy incendiary rhetoric and wicked accusations to marginalize Republicans.”

“Don’t sell yourself short. No one will value you. Set a fair price for you, your book, your services, whatever it is that you have to offer.”

“Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.”

“Everybody has a right to be defended, and every lawyer has a duty to defend people accused. And my office is to defend him, to discuss the accusation point by point, as I think this is a normal step in a democracy.”

“For decades engineers have stood accused that their buildings do not have any cultural value. We have attempted to liberate engineering of this accusation.”

“Guilt has very quick ears to an accusation.”

“I am ready to accept all accusations, allegations, anger – but I have to succeed.”

“I have much to say why my reputation should be rescued from the load of false accusation and calumny which has been heaped upon it.”

“I would not put a thief in my mouth to steal my brains.”

“If you don’t get caught, you deserve everything you steal.”

“Job plunges into a series of demands on and accusations of God which may be and indeed are epigrams of high intelligence, but are not noticeably patient.”

“Just because you have stolen someone’s heart, luckily owned and occupied as a home, doesn’t give you the audacity to enforce hurtful policies.”

“Knowledge of God’s Word is a bulwark against deception, temptation, accusation, even persecution.”

“Malice scorned, puts out itself; but argued, give a kind of credit to a false accusation.”

“Most people, in my opinion, steal much of what they are. If they didn’t what poor items they would be.”

“Nobody steals books but your friends.”

“Now that I have called you on your false accusation, you are using additional smear tactics.”

“One accusation you can’t throw at me is that I’ve always done my best.”

“The accusation that we’ve lost our soul resonates with a very modern concern about authenticity.”

“The best apology against false accusers is silence and sufferance, and honest deeds set against dishonest words.”

“The only obligation to which in advance we may hold a novel, without incurring the accusation of being arbitrary, is that it be interesting.”

“The thief, as will become apparent, was a special type of thief.”

“There’s nothing in this country that is a worse accusation – in America, if you accuse somebody of racism, that person has to disprove that.”

“To steal from a brother or sister is evil. To not steal from the institutions that are the pillars of the Pig Empire is equally immoral.”

“Well that’s true, and what is actually happening now is that there are accusations that those records contain conspiratorial information that has been concealed from the American people and that is a dangerous situation that just cannot be tolerated. Louis Stokes”

“When one person makes an accusation, check to be sure he himself is not the guilty one. Sometimes it is those whose case is weak who make the most clamour.”

“Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.”

“You can severely reduce your chances of having a false accusation of rape leveled against you if you don’t hire strange women to come to your house and take their clothes off for money.”

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

Dealing with a false accusation can be difficult. Your reputation can become compromised leaving you feeling the pain and difficulty of being misrepresented.

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