How to Deal With a Manipulator in a Relationship

Being in love is never easy. The excitement and lust of a new relationship can wear off quickly and you are left dealing with...

3 Yoga Poses for Balance

Gaining balance requires the ability to have muscular control and body awareness. Here are some great yoga poses for balance that are focused on...

How to Overcome Relationship Breakup

Love isn't always pleasant, there is a tougher side of love that can hurt. If you have just gotten out of a relationship. You...

9 Yoga Poses for Hip Pain

Yoga is the perfect way to bring balance and open up your hips to combat pain. From knee pain to lower back pain, these...

5 Yoga Poses for Depression

From the standing forward pose to the corpse pose, yoga offers a great way to combat depression through breathing exercises and relaxation. Helping to...

7 Yoga Poses to Lose Weight

Yoga offers another way to focus on health and fitness while looking at reducing some of your extra pounds. These set of yoga poses...

How to Grieve the Loss of a Relationship

No matter who ended your relationship, coming to grips with the fact that it's over can be really difficult. It's perfectly normal and healthy...

5 Yoga Poses for Shoulders

These yoga poses for shoulders offer the perfect way to strengthen and tone the upper back and arms in less than ten minutes a...

How to Fix a Strained Relationship

From time to time we all find ourselves in strained relationships. Hurtful things may have been said, or feelings weren't considered when we made...

How to Stop Nagging in a Relationship

Nagging in a relationship isn't healthy. It is usually ineffective and can have lost lasting damaging effects on your relationship. If you find yourself...

10 Yoga Poses for Gas

From digestion related problems to high stress, there are many causes of gas suffering. Here is a look at some great yoga poses for...

9 Yoga Poses for Partners

Here is an extreme yoga challenge recreated by these set of twins as they add a bit of acro twist to their test. Taking...