4 Yoga Exercises for Eyes

Yoga is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your eyes. However, one of the many benefits to yoga...

What do Yoga Instructors Make

If you're someone that's passionate about yoga, there is no doubt you've thought about becoming a yoga instructor at one point or another. While...

4 Yoga Exercises for Dowager’s Hump

Suffering from a postural condition that forces the upper back to curve and purse your head forward can place your body under considerable pressure....

What do People Wear to Hot Yoga

When it comes to yoga, it is an art form that can be very intimidating for a number of reasons. Unlike other activities, it...

5 Yoga Exercises for Digestion

This yoga expert does a great job of explaining some very easy yoga asanas that are perfect for easing indigestion and making the digestion...

What do Guys Wear for Yoga

In terms of what men wear for yoga, it should be something that isn't too complex or complicated. When it comes to yoga attire...

8 Yoga Exercises for Diabetes

Suffering with diabetes can bring difficulty with regulating your blood sugar level. These yoga exercises for diabetes can help to regulate this without the...

6 Yoga Exercises for Depression

There are many causes for depression. Turning to some yoga exercises for relief is just one way to turn your frown upside down. Follow...

What Can I Use Instead of a Yoga Mat

As far as yoga is concerned, it's not like other sports or recreational activities in terms of the equipment or clothing required. While a...

8 Yoga Exercises for Core Strength

You do not need to be strong and flexible to be successful in your yoga practice. These yoga exercises for core strength will help...

What are Yoga Straps Used For

Yoga straps are simple yet effective equipment for helping obtain the correct posture and composure when doing certain poses during your session. The reasonably...

7 Yoga Exercises for Constipation

When suffering from discomfort due to constipation, turn to yoga to help you achieve relief. From the child's pose to the butterfly pose and...