Home Spiritual


“Boons”or “Curses” – Surrender and treat them alike

“To give oneself up into the power of another” is the simple meaning of surrender. In a war situation surrender was like accepting defeat...

Importance of Meditation

Today we are no strangers to the many mental and physical benefits of meditation.  There are even apps to help, like Calm and Headspace...

In the Image of the Divine

What does it mean to be created in the image of the Divine?  The simplicity of the answer may be surprising.  It does not...

Asana & Practice Precision

Have you ever wondered why yoga instructors are always telling us to “get into” the proper asana?  When we go to yoga retreats, why...

The Thin Line

Our perspective as spiritual seekers is that of our personality looking for our own conceptualization of enlightenment based on what we may have read...


Societies that are based on the modern scientific paradigm are rooted in logical thinking and a binary view of existence.  Our entire education system...

Five Pranas

Prana is often described as the life energy.  And that is true on one level.  But as with all things in existence, there are...

Human Hands

We use our hands everyday for nearly everything we do – they have always been the ultimate utilitarian tool for human beings.  The whole...

Spiritual Self-Discovery Series- II Turning Inward

What does it mean to turn the mind inward? Spiritual journey is an initiative coming from an inner passion, in order to reach a...

The significance of being small

Our relationship with pets is funny. Dogs and cats in particular are intelligent, so we tend to take liberties with them, treating them like...